Saturday, August 8, 2009

Long Saturday!

Hey everyone...(like a lot of people read this). Anyway, it has been a loooong day. It all started by sleeping late. I was woken by Sarah about 10:15, got my bath about 1. Went to eat Mexican food, of course, then to mom and dads. We, mom and I, had a huge fight. Curt just sat patiently by not saying a word. I won. Not that i want to win, I want my mom back! It was all over her meds. She is refusing to do what she is told. So I try to step in and help her memory but to the end of a huge fight always. After the sparks flew and all was settled back down, we enjoyed a nice time visiting. My dad misses talking to a man. He and Curt talked about three hours about what I don't know. we cam home and I went right to work on my Farm town....I am loving this game. I go to see my Sarah and my Gracie this next week and I can't hardly wait.
Today is Katy and Dustin's 1 year anniversary. "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GUYS". I hope you have many more! Holly and Eric are down in Alpine at his little sisters wedding. They will be home on Sunday. Hannah is in watching the Singing Bee on CMT. I think I will go in and take a bath. I hope all are having a nice night....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Goings On Here Today!

Well once again I will try to blog every day...we shall see.

I am keeping Jake for Holly while Eric is having surgery in Lubbock. I think all went well and that they should be back home sometime tomarrow. He is such a sweet little boy. The operative word here is BOY. What do I know about having a boy? I know he likes to make truck noises... plays with balls and likes to suck his thumb. I guess that is all I need to know right now. If I can make all that happen then I think he is happy. We are having a great time playing and WALKING. He is getting better at that everyday.

Gracie is on a plane (with her mom, of course) on her way to my house. This weekend is the BIG baby shower for Katy. So two of my "babies" will be here with Nina for the weekend. Jaxs will hopefully be home with Holly tomarrow. I don't think she thought that I could take care of them both....LOL!

Hannah is going to camp Boogie Aboard. She seems to be having a blast. She did take the day off today. She and I hung out all day with T. Got some things done and now she is asleep in moms bed due to Sarah coming in tonight. Little Patches seems to be doing well also. He is such a good puppy and Hannah is having fun with him on her terms.

We had a great time in Colorado for vacation. It was a much needed and well deserved rest for all. I hate to say Katy and Dustin nor Joey got to go this summer, they were surely missed. But the rest of us a a great time. I will post pictures later. I guess I had better get ready for my girls to get here. It is late. Their plane had some kind of trouble...but they should be here soon.
Night all.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Here We Go!

Okay, So I am not sure what I am going to write, but here we go. Hannah and I got home today from a week long vacation so to speak. We went up to Curt's for a week and then over to Rockwall to go to Gracie's birthday party. I am pooped to say the least but am glad we went. My Gracie is growing so fast. I cannot believe it has been 2 years now that that little treasure has been with us. She is a beautiful little girl with so much joy. Sarah and Joey are very lucky to be her parents.

We also have a new addition to our family. His name is Patches. A little puppy earned from 30 long nights of Hannah sleeping by herself. She did so good to earn this little fella. He is a Cocker Spaniel with blue eyes. Hannah is on cloud nine at the moment. We shall see how long that lasts.

I think that is all I am going to write today. I am so tired and not sure what to write. I will write again tom.